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Department of Micro-system Manufacturing and Science

Time:2019-11-25      ViewTimes:    Print

Under the leadership of Academician Jue Zhong, Central South University set up Doctoral and Master's program in microelectronics manufacturing engineering in 2002. It was devoted to cultivating doctoral candidates and postgraduates combined with the first National Natural Science Foundation of Microelectronics program and National Key Basic Research Program of China (973 program), and began to accept undergraduate students in microelectronics manufacturing engineering in 2004. In 2005, the Ministry of Education approved the microelectronics manufacturing engineering major as an out-of-catalog major, which became the first engineering college for undergraduates in the field of microelectronics manufacturing. The major of microelectronics science and engineering, which is based on the national first-class key disciplines, high-performance complex manufacturing of mechanical engineering and national key laboratory in Central South University, integrates machinery, electronics, control, software, materials and other disciplines to form a cross specialty in the field of advanced microelectronics, optoelectronic device manufacturing and packaging and laser biological manufacturing. For many years, the team have been engaged in the basic research work of microelectronics/optoelectronic packaging technology and equipment, possessed with a number of advanced high-end experimental instruments and equipment such as packaging interface testing, interconnection process monitoring and signal processing, bonding, high-precision alignment, laser processing, micro-area interface analysis and so on. The joint laboratory of ASM-CSU microelectronic packaging has been established with ASM, a leading international manufacturer of microelectronic equipment, to conduct the thermo-ultrasonic flip bonding technology research. After more than ten years of development, our major has established discipline characteristics and industrial advantages in the fields of microelectronics 3D integration and equipment, optoelectronic packaging manufacturing and laser biological processing, and constructed undergraduate practice teaching base with ASM Company, No.45 Institute of Zhongke Electronics, Shic-STMicroelectronics and other famous enterprises.
